82 research outputs found

    Rational maps with Fatou components of arbitrarily large connectivity

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    We study the family of singular perturbations of Blaschke products B_a,(z)=z^3-a1- ^2. We analyse how the connectivity of the Fatou components varies as we move continuously the parameter . We prove that all possible escaping configurations of the critical point c_-(a,) take place within the parameter space. In particular, we prove that there are maps B_a, which have Fatou components of arbitrarily large finite connectivity within their dynamical planes

    On a Family of Degree 4 Blaschke Products

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    [cat] Aquesta tesi doctoral pertany a l’àmbit dels sistemes dinàmics discrets al pla complex, és a dir, la iteració de funcions analítiques en una variable complexa. Donada una funció racional f de l'esfera de Riemann en ella mateixa, considerem el sistema dinàmic donat pels seus iterats. L'esfera de Riemann es divideix en dos conjunts completament invariants per f el conjunt de Fatou, definit com el conjunt de punts z on la família {f^n} és normal en algun entorn de z, i el seu complement, el conjunt de Julià. La dinàmica de les òrbites del conjunt de Fatou és estable en el sentit de normalitat o equicontinuitat mentre que la dinàmica al conjunt de Julià presenta un caràcter caòtic. Aquesta tesi se centra en l'estudi de la família de productes de Blaschke Ba(z)=z^3(z-a)/(1-\bar{a}z), on a i z són nombres complexos. Estudiem el seu pla de paràmetres i el seu pla dinàmic fent us intensiu de les eines de cirurgia quasiconforme, que ens permeten construir funcions racionals amb una dinàmica prescrita fent servir funcions quasiregulars com a models. Al capítol 1 fem un repàs dels resultats preliminars usats al llarg del text. Primer expliquem els conceptes bàsics de la dinàmica de les funcions racionals. Després fem un repàs de les aplicacions del cercle, tot introduint els conceptes de producte de Blaschke i llengües. Finalment, presentem la fórmula de Riemann-Hurwitz i com s’aplica a la dinàmica de funcions racionals. Al capítol 2 donem una introducció a la cirurgia quasiconforme. Primer de tot definim els conceptes d’aplicació quasiconforme, estructures quasiconformes i “pullback” sota funcions que preserven l’orientació i introduïm el Teorema Mesurable de Riemann. Tot seguit mostrem com els conceptes previs són generalitzats per a funcions que giren l’orientació i veiem com això s’aplica a aplicacions que són simètriques respecte del cercle unitat. Finalment introduïm els conceptes d’aplicació polynomial-like i antipolynomial-like. Al capítol 3 donem una visió general del pla dinàmic dels productes de Blaschke Ba. Comencem estudiant les seves propietats bàsiques. Tot seguit mostrem que les funcions Ba. no poden tenir dominis de rotació doblement connexos (anells de Herman) (Proposició 3.2.3) i provem un criteri de connectivitat del conjunt de Julià dels Ba (Teorema 3.2.1). Al capítol 4 introduïm la família Mb de polinomis cúbics amb un punt fix superatractor. A continuació veiem com construir polinomis Mb a partir de productes de Blaschke Ba, tot obtenint una aplicació Γ que envia un subconjunt de l’espai de paràmetres de Ba a l’espai de paràmetres dels polinomis Mb. També provem que l’aplicació Γ és continua i és un homeomorfisme restringida a cada component hiperbòlica disjunta. Al capítol 5 estudiem l’espai de paràmetres dels productes de Blaschke Ba. Primer de tot en descrivim les simetries. A continuació classifiquem els diferents tipus de comportaments hiperbòlics que es poden donar i veiem a quines regions de l’espai de paràmetres poden aparèixer. Tot seguit construïm una aplicació polynomial-like al voltant de tot paràmetre de no escapament contingut en una regió d’intercanvi que, sota certes condicions, pot relacionar la dinàmica de Ba amb la dels antipolinomis pc(z)=\bar{z}^2+c (Teorema 5.3.4). Finalment parametritzem tota component hiperbòlica disjunta els cicles atractors de la qual són acotats i no rauen al cercle unitat (Teorema 5.4.2). Al capítol 6 estudiem les llengües dels productes de Blaschke Ba. Inicialment provem algunes de les seves propietats topològiques bàsiques com ara la seva connectivitat mòdul simetria, la seva connectivitat simple i l’existència d’una única punta per a cada llengua (Teorema 6.2.1). Tot seguit mostrem com es produeixen les bifurcacions en un entorn de la punta de cada llengua (Teorema 6.3.2). Finalment estudiem com les llengües s’estenen per a paràmetres a tals que 12.[eng] This PhD thesis belongs to the area of discrete dynamical systems in the complex plane, i.e. the iteration of analytic functions in one complex variable. Given a rational map f from the Riemann sphere onto itself, we consider the dynamical system given by its iterates. The Riemann sphere splits into two totally f-invariant subsets: the Fatou set, which is defined to be the set of points z where the family {f^n} is normal in some neighborhood of z, and its complement, the Julia set. The dynamics of the points in the Fatou set are stable in the sense of normality or equicontinuity whereas the dynamics in the Julia set present chaotic behavior. This thesis focuses on the study of the family of Blaschke products Ba(z)=z^3(z-a)/(1-\bar{a}z), where a and z are complex numbers. We study its parameter and its dynamical planes using intensive use of quasiconformal surgery techinques, which allow us to build rational maps with prescribed dynamics using quasiregular maps as models. The thesis is structured as follows. In Chapter 1 we give an overview on the preliminary results used throughout the thesis. In Chapter 2 we give an introduction to quasiconformal surgery. In Chapter 3 we give an overview of the dynamical plane of the Blaschke products Ba. We begin by studying their basic properties. Afterwards we show that the maps Ba cannot have doubly connected rotation domains (Herman rings) (Proposition 3.2.3) and prove a criterion of connectivity of the Julia set of Ba (Theorem 3.2.1). In Chapter 4 we introduce the family Mb of cubic polynomials with a superattracting fixed point. Then we show how to build polynomials Mb from Blaschke products Ba , obtaining a map Γ from a subset of the parameter plane of the Ba to the parameter plane of the polynomials Mb. We also prove that the map Γ is continuous and restricts to a homeomorphism on every disjoint hyperbolic component. In Chapter 5 we study the parameter plane of the Blaschke products Ba. We first describe the symmetries in the parameter plane. Then we classify the different hyperbolic dynamics which may take place and the sets of parameters for which they may happen. Afterwards we build a polynomial-like map for all non-escaping parameters contained in swapping regions which, under certain conditions, may relate the dynamics of Ba with the one of the antipolynomials pc(z) =\bar{z}^2+c (Theorem 5.3.4). Finally we parametrize all disjoint hyperbolic components whose disjoint cycles are bounded and do not lie on the unit circle (Theorem 5.4.2). In Chapter 6 we study the tongues of the Blaschke products Ba. We first prove some of their topological properties such as their connectivity modulo symmetry, their simple connectivity and the existence of a unique tip for every tongue (Theorem 6.2.1). Then we show how bifurcations take place along curves in a neighborhood of every tongue (Theorem 6.3.2). Finally we study how tongues extend in the annulus of parameters a such that 12

    Connectivity of the Julia set for the Chebyshev-Halley family on degree n polynomials

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat Valenciana Project PROMETEO/2016/089 and UJI project P1.1B2015-16We study the Chebyshev-Halley family of root finding algorithms from the point of view of holomorphic dynamics. Numerical experiments show that the speed of convergence to the roots may be slower when the basins of attraction are not simply connected. In this paper we provide a criterion which guarantees the simple connectivity of the basins of attraction of the roots. We use the criterion for the Chebyshev-Halley methods applied to the degree n polynomials zⁿ +c, obtaining a characterization of the parameters for which all Fatou components are simply connected and, therefore, the Julia set is connected. We also study how increasing n affects the dynamics

    Dynamics of Newton-like root finding methods

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    Altres ajuts: project UJI-B2019-18When exploring the literature, it can be observed that the operator obtained when applying Newton-like root finding algorithms to the quadratic polynomials z − c has the same form regardless of which algorithm has been used. In this paper, we justify why this expression is obtained. This is done by studying the symmetries of the operators obtained after applying Newton-like algorithms to a family of degree d polynomials p(z) = z − c. Moreover, we provide an iterative procedure to obtain the expression of new Newton-like algorithms. We also carry out a dynamical study of the given generic operator and provide general conclusions of this type of methods

    Convergence regions for the Chebyshev-Halley family

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    In this paper we study the dynamical behavior of the Chebyshev-Halley methods on the family of degree nn polynomials zn+cz^{n}+c. We prove that, despite increasing the degree, it is still possible to draw the parameter space by using the orbit of a single critical point. For the methods having z=z=\infty as an attracting fixed point, we show how the basins of attraction of the roots become smaller as the value of nn grows. We also demonstrate that, although the convergence order of the Chebyshev-Halley family is 3, there is a member of order 4 for each value of nn. In the case of quadratic polynomials, we bound the set of parameters which correspond to iterative methods with stable behaviour other than the basins of attraction of the roots

    On a family of rational perturbations of the doubling map

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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the parameter plane of a rational family of perturbations of the doubling map given by the Blaschke products Ba(z)=z3za1aˉzB_a(z)=z^3\frac{z-a}{1-\bar{a}z}. First we study the basic properties of these maps such as the connectivity of the Julia set as a function of the parameter aa. We use techniques of quasiconformal surgery to explore the relation between certain members of the family and the degree 4 polynomials (z2+c)2+c\left(\overline{\overline{z}^2+c}\right)^2+c. In parameter space, we classify the different hyperbolic components according to the critical orbits and we show how to parametrize those of disjoint type

    Convergence regions for the Chebyshev--Halley family

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    In this paper, we study the dynamical behaviour of the Chebyshev--Halley family applied on a family of degree n polynomials. For n=2 we bound the set of parameters for which the iterative methods have convergence regions which do not correspond to the basins of attraction of the roots. We also study the dynamics of indifferent fixed points on the boundary of the regions of parameters with bad behaviour. Finally, we provide a numerical study on the boundedness of the regions of parameters with bad behaviour for the family of degree n polynomials

    Tongues in degree 4 Blaschke products

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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the family of Blasche products B_a , which is a rational family of perturbations of the doubling map. We focus on the tongue-like sets which appear in its parameter plane. We first study their basic topological properties and afterwards we investigate how bifurcations take place in a neighborhood of their tips. Finally we see how the fixed tongue extends beyond its natural domain of definition